Here are some useful phrases for when you're traveling in Central America and desperately need a donut.
Step 1: Finding Donuts
Can you direct me to the local donut shop?
Me puede diregir a la tienda mas cercana donde vendan donas?
Step 2: Negotiating a Purchase
How much is that donut?
Cuanto cuesta esa dona?
If I buy these three donuts, will you give me that fourth one for free?
Si compro estas tres donas, me das la quarta gratis?
Step 3: When Confronted by Bandits
You can have this donut when you pry it from my cold, dead hand.
Puedes tener esta dona cuando me la quites de mis manos frias y muertas.
Here's my money and gold watch. Please, just leave the donuts.
Aqui esta mi dinero y reloj de oro. Por favor nada mas deja las donas.
Join the HsO for a donut Wednesday morning at 10:00 in the Staff Lounge. BYO Mug and money.
Vengan por donas este Miercoles en la manana a las 10:00 en la Staff Lounge.
-assisted by NAV
Mattias Johansson
Marine Fisheries Genetics
Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365
Phone: 541-867-0421
Fax: 541-867-0345
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