Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Couple of Early Donut Emails...

10/16/2007, 4:38 PM

Donuts are on Tsunami Hiatus

Community Donut Fans,
Due to tomorrow's tsunami drill (and scenic walk), the weekly donut get-together is on hiatus this week. Please join us next week, at the usual 10am Wednesday time, for donuts provided by Monita Cheever and coffee brewed with love by the HsO.

Mattias Johansson
Marine Fisheries Genetics
Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365
Phone: 541-867-0421
Fax: 541-867-0345

10/17/2007, 9:04 AM

Donuts are BACK ON!!! Delayed to 11am

Donut Eaters,
Join the HsO for a warming cup of coffee and a donut (provided by Monita Cheever) this morning at 11am (or whenever you get back from the tsunami walk). BYO mug, and donations are always welcomed.

Mattias Johansson
Marine Fisheries Genetics
Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365
Phone: 541-867-0421
Fax: 541-867-0345

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