Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's Evil Sara's Last Donuts!

Our little undergrad is growing up. I can still remember when she joined the lab. Heidi and I went to help proctor Dr. Alberto’s stats exam, and looking over all the innocent faces I asked Heidi, “Which one’s our one?” When she pointed Evil Sara out I thought, “Hmm, interesting.” But she was barely even “Bad Sara” then. In the intervening year or so, she’s grown as a scientician and as a villain, so that now we’re proud to call her the best undergraduate we’ve ever worked with (N=1). And she’s leaving us for greener pastures. Not until August, really, but she’ll only be around the lab one day a week after Friday…and it’s not Wednesday, sadly.

PS->Donuts this week courtesy of EVIL SARA! I’ve already talked enough about her, though. You know what else is great? My motorcycle. It’s a Ducati 900SS. Beautiful, and looks fast (but isn’t really that fast, by Ducati standards). I keep trying to convince my wife that we need more motorcycles, but she doesn’t really believe it.

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