Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Donut day is here again!

So long sad times 
Go along bad times 
We are rid of you at last 
Howdy gay times 
Cloudy gray times 
You are now a thing of the past 
Donut day is here again 
The skies above are clear again 
So let's sing a song of cheer again 
Donut day is here again 
Altogether shout it now 
There's no one 
Who can doubt it now 
So let's tell the world about it now 
Donut Day is here again 
Your cares and troubles are gone 
There'll be no more from now on 
From now on... 
Donut day is here again 
The skies above are clear again 
So, Let's sing a song of cheer again 
Happy times 
Happy nights 
Donut day 
Is here again!

LAP S185, 10am.

PS->Donuts this week courtesy of Dr. Madhusudan Dey. Your friend and mine, Dr. Dey uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) as a model organism. The thought occurs that with all that yeast and glassware, maybe we can sweet talk Dr. Dey into starting a little home brewery on the side. It would certainly make colloquium a bit more colorful…

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