Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New and Improved: Wednesday Donuts!

Remember when you interviewed, all those nice people you met in the Biology Department? As it turns out, they didn’t all quit to become comedians, or take one-way cruises to the Antarctic. They’re still here! They just don’t leave their offices any more than you do…

To remedy the situation, GOBS (and the Alberto Lab) cordially invite you to the new and improved WEDNESDAY DONUTS, every Wednesday at 10:00am in Lapham S185.

Bring your own mug (ideally). The coffee and donuts are free, but consider donating a couple of bucks to support your local graduate students.

Donuts this week courtesy of Dr. Daad Saffarini, the best Department Chair in the world (by miles).

PS->You don’t have to like donuts. We just want you to come talk to us while we eat them.

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