Monday, July 26, 2010

Dear Dr. Donut

Dear Dr. Donut,
Is it true that donuts make you fat?
Flabby in Fremont

Dear Flabby,
Donuts in particular are not going to make you fat. Any calories consumed that are not used to fuel activity are stored, so most foods can make you fat, if you overindulge. My advice? Stop worrying. Being fat isn’t the end of the world.
Good luck!
Dr. Donut

Dear Dr. Donut,
Will donuts make me more attractive to the opposite sex?
Yours Truly,
Hopeful in Houston

Dear Hopeful,
Absolutely. Also, donuts will make you smarter, fitter, and will improve your performance in the bedroom. In fact, donut consumption has been correlated with increased wealth. So, it might make you rich, too.
Your friend,
Dr. Donut


PS->I don’t know who is buying donuts this week, but whoever they are, they’re a true humanitarian with a wonderful soul.

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