Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Donut Mastery?

MLJ’s Lab Log
Lab Date 2010.03.02 19:36

Cloning Day 13

Clones Started: Samples 2577-2584
Clones Transferred: Samples 2569-2576
Clones Completed: 2559-2568 No samples 2564,2565
Sequences Edited: None

Notes: I was visited by an Ancient Evil in the lab today. I’m not certain, but I may have been muttering mysterious incantations in an effort to keep myself awake late in the day. Whatever the cause, a portal to Hell opened up and the Evil stepped out along with two Revenants. While the Revenants wandered out of the lab and down the hall, the Evil spoke to me.
“I have come to help you accomplish your evil laboratory work,” it said.
“This really isn’t that kind of lab,” I retorted.
It cut me off with a “Silence, Mortal,” and continued, “Use your mastery over the evil donut to enslave humanity. Force them to do your evil bidding in the laboratory.”
“Listen,” I said, “there are so many problems with that plan that I don’t know where to start. First, writing emails on a topic hardly equals mastery. Second, enslaving humanity sounds like a ton of work. I’d be better off just doing the lab work myself.”
“OK, fair enough,” the Evil replied. “It was just a thought.”
“Thanks for trying.”
“No problem. Now, can you tell me where I can find Ben Laurel? We’re collaborating on a project looking at the ichthyofauna of the River Styx.”
“Man, that guy has collaborators everywhere,” I said. “Anyway, his office is in the RSF. Fifth or sixth door on the right.”
“Thanks. See you later.”
“Alright, see you.”

One final note, I don’t seem to be experiencing any ill effects from my recent coffee-and-donuts lab diet or lack of sleep. So that’s one thing I can stop worrying about. And donuts is tomorrow!

Thankfully I only have to keep this up until June.


PS->Donuts this week courtesy of Ric Brodeur. Thanks, Ric!

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