Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Donut Controversy

Donut controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Donut controversy refers to controversy or disagreement surrounding the celebration or acknowledgment of Wednesday donuts in government, media, advertising and various secular environments. Modern-day controversy occurs mainly in the United States,[1][2] Canada,[3][4][5] and to a lesser extent in the United Kingdom,[6][7] and usually stems from Wednesday's significant weekly role in Newport's economy in conjunction with its social significance in an increasingly socially diversifying Hatfield society. Some have used the label "War on Donuts" to describe this controversy.

Thankfully, there will be no war on donuts tomorrow, the last donuts Wednesday before Christmas. Come out and enjoy a Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa donut before the long holiday weekend. Donuts this week courtesy of Clare Reimers. Thanks, Clare!


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